Languages Spoken:English/ROmanian/French and a lil bit spanish
How strong is your knowledge about the game?:I have been playing dekaron from open beta =] so i'm pretty much sure i know alot of the game itself .As for the possition experience well ...I have been Head-GM on Dekaron Israel , GM on Dekaron Arcadia , GM on Dekaron Legendz , GM on Dekaron Bulgaria , GM on Dekaron Romania , GM on Dekaron Chrome , MOD on Divine , MOD on Dekaron Revenge , and many others ...some i have forgotten =]
Did you ever hacked the game before? Seriously i don't see the fun in hacking , and no i didnt , it's to damn easy to hack and nowadays everyone does it so it's pretty damn booring.
What other computer skills do you have?Well i'm really bored i like to play around with gimp and photoshop and mode some skills/armors or idk =D sometimes i go around in the csv =D
About yourself:Well i like to play computer games, dance with my crew and drink and smoke pot untill out of reality xD
Why do you want to be a VGM:Because this seems a fun comunity and i want to make it even more fun for everyone =D