Comming Soon!I am working on Action 7 skills for the server and it is 50% complete. All transup is working! They actually charge up and transform! will update the server with these files soon.
Sneak preview of Action 7 Skills!Azure KnightAK: new skill trees,protection,destruction,dual and honor.
axe,mace mastery removed. 3 skills next to airsmashing are buffs for agility,hp and speed.
shield skills: something similar to bounce with better detarget effect,one skill makes all mobs atk the ak but it gives ak massive def and resist boost.
destruction skill mastery: 2nd pic i put on,all skills here can be used with all weapons but in combination of certain weps and skills a greater dmg and special effect will occure. example,sonic massacre,ex-axe skill when used with mace deals just high dmg,when used with axe,gives even higher dmg and blow debuff. And for the end that lvl 91 skill under sonic massacre deals massive dmg and cannot be blocked or guarded, to those who played guild wars this is something similar to Decapitate skill there.
NOTE!! The Azure knight skill section which was (Masteries, Attributes,Support and Transup) will be changed to these new section (Protection, Destruction, Dual, Honor and Transup)The Protection SkillsStrengthen Party Member -These skills buff up your party members
#3: Sharpen Spirit = Increases party member's STR and DEX
#4: Health Spirit = Increases party member's HEALTH
#5: Air Spirit = Increase party member's MOVEMENT SPEED
Protect Party Member-These skills will protect your party members
#6: Protection Sanctuary = This skill causes the azure knight to create a protection field, any party member in the field will be protected, that is reduce ALL incoming damage
#7: Point Target = This skill causes the azure knight and his party to share a target, When a target is shared special buffs occur
#2: Taunt Bash = This skill causes the azure knight to attack the monster with his shield and inflicts damage, The monster will then see the azure knight as a main threat so only the azure knight will be targeted by the monster, When this happens the azure knight's damage resistance (probably defense and physical resistance) will gain a HUGE increase temporarily.
#1: Counter Hit = This skill causes the Azure knight to damage his target with the shield, when hit the inflicted target will have his target freed
The Destruction Skills#8: Violent Dash = This skill causes the azure knight to move foward and swing this weapon for a powerful AOE damage
#9: Fury Of Rondo = this skill causes the azure knight to harm the target and everything else in certain area simultaneously with shock and destruction debuffs. Everyone affected (including Party members excluding Yourself) will be stunned,and affected with a debuff which lowers the chance of guarding and blocking.
#10: Charged Shock = This causes the azure knight to rush to his target, Stuns for a short period of time.
#11: Guidance = This skill is a self buff that increases the azure knight's hits and vitality (probably attack speed and health)
Bagi1: Vital Drain
2: Mad Cry
3: Rush Menace
4: Divide Pain
5: Divide ForceBAGI: now this has given me a headache,i dont know what will new buffs do but i do know that they wont be just for bagi but for pt also. if you are wondering why are speed,magic and physical resist gone fear no more!! speed buff is now a part of instict power and magical and physical resists are now part of defensive buff.
Segita Hunter1: Triple Arrow
2: Trampling Shot
3: Rapid Fire
4: Catch Blow Up
5: Cannon Flow
6: Flame BlastHUNTER: since hunters have to lowest defense their firepower aka attack has been increased to take out enemies fast and swiftly.
new bow skills are fast and have high dmg,triangle shot changed to be much faster,xbow skills will be slow as usual but very deadly,massive amounts of dmg and piercing effects,poison arrow-greater degeneration and reduces poison resist,same thing on fire arrow but ofc reduces fire resist and slow arrow modified in a way i dont understand,they just said it will be more effective to use.
Incar Magician1: Neon Blaze
2: Mind Blaze
3: Shield Of Seize
4: Statis Orb
5: Flame Gassing
6: Frost Nova
7: Transfer Lightning MAGE:91lvl skills after imitid and so on:fire,vulcano-decent dmg,main effect massive hp degen,ice,ice spikes-massive aoe freeze and highest dmg of all mage skills,lightning,cant remember skill name only that it electrocutes the target and giving it a certain debuff. Also forgot to mention, sieze nimbus, mana force, magic power - max lvl increased to 10.
1. Registrars Sacra
2. Force Sacra
3. Power Sacra
4. Anti-resist Sacra
5. Eonpawo Sacra
6. Recall
7. Rimubeu cuzz
8. Inbijibeul shadow
9. Storm Runner
10. Out-of-site
11. Bind Sword
12. Darkness
13. Kane HawkStaff skills:Resistance Sacra: increases resistance of all party members.
Force Sacra: increases hp of all party members.(possible blow effect buff,not confirmed)
Power Sacra: increases atk and def of all party members.
Anti-resist Sacra: reduces all of targets resistances(but not physical), aoe atk.
Enpower Sacra: reduces targets aatk and def,aoe atk.
Recall: buff cast on you or some other party member,gives immunity to all damage but locks you to your location,during this buff you cannot move.
Rimbu Curse: has to do something with curse,not sure if dmg,atk resistance or what.
Modifications: Vicious Thorn-stronger poison effect and decreases movement speed but im not sure is the movement debuff stronger or weaker now.
Increase Poison: higher dmg and poison hp drain.
And 1 more old staff skill is going to give summy hp recovery but i cannot find out which one.
Palpus stays the same just gets a toxic effect (hp drain).
TB skills:Invisible Shadow: creates a shadow of yourself which acts exactly like you, so when you atk,the shadow atks,when you move,the shadow moves,it mimics your actions,dunno how this shadow will be precise... and other players cannot atk this shadow as it is just a skill.
Storm runner: increases movement speed,dunno how much.
Out-of-Site: pulls sumy to a random location out of danger,like shadowstep at assassins.
Bind Sword: atk skill which throws some kind of a sword at a target,apperently the distance of the target will determine the damage,example to closer you are the weaker the dmg(note that this is just a speculation)
Darkness: creates darknes barrier around target which decreases the dmg it's dmg,however all of your other skills are temporarely disabled (similar like demo and fiore)
Variant skill tree:(the one with blood bats)
Kane Hawk: this one is hard to explain but it seems that its some kind of summon, a hawk maybe that flys around sumy and damages nearby enemies,when it expires, sumys max atk is increased but very little, i dont see how this can be usefull but im probably wrong how the skill works.
Pet skill tree:has been fused of both beast and libido,some pet lvl modified and all pet stats modified.
Aloken1. Ready Earth hits
2. Rabiang Rose
3. Mana Shock
4. Divine Cure
5. Shell blast
6. Shadow catch
7. Ribelrionjeu Seward
8. Ribelrionjeu Spear
9. Registrars dikeulrain
10. Talrarenseu dikeulrain
11. Aqua Remover
12. Aqua Fuzzy
13. Bless Of kyun
14. Great Bless of-kyunSegnale1. Healing Moss
2. Reincarnation
3. Magic guard
4. Magic Protectors
5. Rimubeu
6. Rimubeu wide
7. Recover Shield
8. Sleep
9. Sleep-wide
10. Keojeudeu Fogg
11. Bloody Mist